Nurse’s Clinical Pocket Guide
Nurse’s Clinical Pocket Guide
Gladdi Tomlinson, RN, MSN
Deborah A. Ennis, RN, MSN, CCRN
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A Davis’s Notes Book
Admix: Adding a medication to another medication or solution
Bolus: A large amount of medication administered rapidly
intravenously for therapeutic or diagnostic purposes
Compatibility: The ability of two or more drugs to be given
concurrently without producing an undesirable effect; for example,
if incompatible drugs are given together, that may produce a
precipitate and create harmful effects to the patient
Continuous Infusion: An infusion usually given over at least 24 hours
Direct IV: IV push
Further Dilute: Add the mixture to a piggyback bag
Infusion: Administering a fluid, medication, or electrolyte into a vein
Intermittent Infusion: An infusion given via piggyback (IVPB)
IVP (IV Push): Usually given in the port closest to the patient
IVPB (IV Piggyback): Usually given in the port closest to the IV bag
Lumen: An IV catheter that can be used to inject or withdraw fluids;
for example, a triple-lumen IV catheter is an IV catheter with three
different lumens (see Tab 1 for an illustration)
Y-site: A port on intravenous tubing for the purpose of medication
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Publisher, Nursing: Joanne Patzek DaCunha, RN, MSN
Project Editor: Ilysa H. Richman
Content Developmental Manager: Darlene Pedersen
Consultants: Michele Bunning, RN, MSN; Ilene Borze, RN, MS
Manager of Art & Design: Carolyn O’Brien
As new scientific information becomes available through basic and clinical
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